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Woodville Little League

Woodville Little League Attestations

By registering your child to play baseball with the Woodville Little League organization, you agree to the below attestations. Please be sure you have read and understand.

1. Little League Privacy Policy

Little League Privacy Policy: 

2. Social Media Attestation

Woodville Little League may want to include pictures of some of our players on our social media accounts or here on our website. We want to make sure that everyone is comfortable with having their child on these platforms. 

By accepting, you are indicating that you are OK with us using pictures of your child! Thank you!

3. Woodville Little League Parent Code of Conduct

Woodville Little League seeks to instill positive character-building traits in our community's youth through the demonstration of good sportsmanship, respect for others, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.  We ask that parents and their guests attending WLL sponsored events help us by reflecting these character traits at games.

When attending WLL sponsored events, I therefore agree:

I will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other sporting event.
I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing,  taunting or using profane language or gestures, etc.
I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well-being of the athletes.
I will teach my child to play by the spirit of the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, sex, or ability.
I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participant for making a mistake or losing a competition.
I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches or referees at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.
I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.

I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:

Verbal warning by official, head coach, and/or member of league organization
Written warning
Parental game suspension with written documentation of incident
Parental season suspension

4. T-Mobile Fan Cam Waiver

Consent to Collect Your Child's Video for Recording and Live Streaming

Woodville Little League's games may be live streamed on the Internet and/or recorded by GoDog Sports pursuant to a sponsorship arrangement with T-Mobile. If your child participates in league games, your child may appear in this video footage, so we need your consent to collect and disclose video of your child in order to provide this service. When you consent, you’re agreeing that GoDog can collect video of your child during local league games and use it in the following ways: 

1.     Livestreaming – GoDog will display live video footage of the game via a website and/or smartphone app (both developed and maintained by GoDog). Any users with your league’s access credentials will be able to view the footage. 

2.     Post-Game Viewing/Download – GoDog will also make the video footage available for post-game viewing or download via the website and/or app for up to ten days after each game (after which it will be deleted from the website/app). Any users with your league’s access credentials will be able to view or download footage. 

3.     Public Highlight Clips – GoDog may include video footage in highlight clips on the front page of the website and/or app for up to ten days after each game (after which it will be deleted from the website/app). Any member of the public will be able to view this footage. 

GoDog will not use collected video footage for any other purpose and will not share it with anyone else unless required by law. To learn more about this use of information, including your rights as a parent/guardian, visit Privacy Notice Page.  By registering this child, I certify that I am the parent/guardian of the child listed above and consent to the video collection described above. 

5. Evaluations

I understand that if my player who is registered for any division other than tee ball  and does not attend evaluations he /she may not be placed on a team. Any conflicts with evaluations should be emailed to [email protected] before the final evaluation date.

6. Concession Stand Requirement

Woodville Little League is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has no employees and is run purely with the support of our parent volunteers. The profits made in the Woodville Little League concession help to offset the cost to run the league since the registrations fees collected do not fully offset the expenses of the league. If the league does not have support of parent volunteers throughout the season in our concession, please understand that registration fees may increase for future seasons.

By registering a child to play baseball with Woodville Little League, I understand that I, or another family member, will be required to support the league by volunteering to help with concessions for at least one game per child registered during the season. I also understand that if I do not sign up to volunteer for day in concession early on in the season, a date will be assigned to me.

7. COVID-Waiver

By registering the minor for this facility, I hereby acknowledge and agree that participation in this activity may involve inherent danger and risk, including without limitation, an enhanced exposure to COVID-19 and I hereby assume full responsibility for any risk of physical illness, including without limitation COVID-19, and thereby covenant not to sue Woodville Little League for any and all claims related to physical illness, including without limitation COVID-19.

8. Registration Fees

I understand that registration fees are due by the last day of registration for my player's division. I also understand that if my players registration fees are not paid by the last day of registration for my player's division, my player's uniform will not be ordered until registration fees are paid.

If I am unable to pay the registration fees by the last day of registration for my player's division, I understand that I need to email [email protected].

I understand that if I have not reached out about payment of registration fees prior the last day of registration for my player's division, non-payment of registration fees will result in the player not having their uniform by the first game.


9. Communication

I understand that Woodville Little League is run solely on volunteers and that Woodville Little League communicates using the Sports Connect program. I understand that information will be communicated to me via email and that the emails will come from [email protected]. These emails are often flagged as spam or show up in junk email. I understand that I need to flag this email as a valid email address so that I will receive the emails from the league with important updates.

Coaches Code of Conduct

By volunteering to coach at Woodville Little League you are agreeing to use communication methods of Woodville Little League (the BAND App/Website) and agree to the Coaching Code of Conduct below:

Coaching a youth sport program such as Little League Baseball is a privilege that is not to be taken for granted. As a Manager or coach, appointed by the Woodville Little League (WLL) Board of Directors, you have an important role in the development of the young children in our community. We strive to teach each child the positive values of trust, good sportsmanship, good citizenship, responsibility, respect, fair play and teamwork – values they can use throughout their lives. Baseball and softball embody the discipline of teamwork. They challenge players towards perfection of physical skills and bring into play the excitement of tactics and strategy. The very nature of baseball and softball also teach that while every player eventually strikes out or is on a losing team, there is always another chance for success in the next at-bat or game. With this in mind, Woodville Little League expects each manager and coach to adhere to the following Code of Conduct:  


1. I will promote good sportsmanship, teach good baseball skills, and have fun in the process.
2. I realize, accept and will practice the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on its sportsmanship, courtesy and manner.
3. I understand that physical or verbal abuse of an official, coach, player, or spectator, including obscene gestures, will not be tolerated and that the offender may be removed from the fields at the discretion of an umpire or WLL board member.
4. I understand coaches will refrain from complaining about perceived bad calls to players and fans.
5. I understand all discussions will be held in conversational tones. Under no circumstances will a coach, fan, or player yell at an umpire, coach, fan, or player. The lone exception to this rule is when a coach or player shouts to another coach or teammate during the course of a play as part of that play.
6. I understand profanity is expressly forbidden at all times at the Little League complex.
7. I understand alcoholic beverages and the use of illicit drugs are prohibited at any Woodville Little League event including games, practice, events.
8. I understand the use of tobacco and vapor products on the fields and in the dugouts is prohibited.

Rules and Policies

1. I will know and understand the rules and abide by them (whether local or national). I will instruct my team members in the rules and coach my team in such a way as to motivate each player to compete according to the rules at all times.
2. I will adhere to all Little League safety guidelines from the LL handbook.
3. I will understand the local league participation rules for my division. All coaches must ensure that each player get minimum opportunities to bat and play the field in each game. I also understand that specific rules are also in place to limit the number and frequency of innings pitched by a particular player.
4. I will fully comply with the Player/Parents Code of Conduct.
5. I will review the WLL website on a regular basis to make sure that I am informed of all updated LL and WLL Rules and policies.

The Umpires and Other Resources
1. I recognize baseball is a game of interpretations, and as a result, disputes will occur from time to time. However, it is important that players learn respect. All disputes that are taken up with the umpire will be handled in a civil manner. I understand only managers may initiate such discussions with an umpire. The managers/coaches will conduct themselves with decorum and once the umpire has made his/her final ruling, the managers will make no further field protest. Off-field protests may be lodged with the Board of Directors.
2. I understand most of the umpires are “in training” as are the players. I recognize that all umpires will make mistakes occasionally, and as manager/coach, I will give the umpires the respect their position within the game deserves.
3. I will be responsible in caring for equipment, for keys delegated for my use, for care of fields prior to games and for cleaning up fields, dugouts and stands after games. I will make sure that all league- provided equipment is clean and accounted for when returned after the season.

The Parents and the League
1. I will maintain an open line of communication with players and their parents. I will be approachable. When approached by a parent to discuss any issue, I will interact and respond in a courteous manner.
2. I will understand and explain the philosophies, goals and objectives, and Codes of Conduct of the WLL (i.e. WLL is organized as a recreational league, meant for the enjoyment of all the players).
3. I will ensure that fans of the team conduct themselves with sportsmanship and maturity at all times while in attendance at game sites and will assist the officials in maintaining control of spectators during games. I will make sure that coaches and players are the only persons allowed in the dugout during a game.
4. I will support (through participation and organization of parents) WLL in fundraising efforts and concession duty.

The Team

1. I will conduct practices in an organized manner, with a planned agenda that focuses on specific skill development appropriate for the skill level of the players.
2. I will focus on providing instruction commensurate with players abilities so all players have the opportunity to advance their skills towards their full potential, gain confidence and develop self-esteem, as well as establish a solid foundation for further baseball/softball competition.
3. I will teach each player, especially through personal example, to be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.
4. I understand that managers are appointed by the league to be responsible for the team’s actions on the field and to represent the team in communications with the umpires, opposing teams and league. If a manager leaves the field, he shall designate a coach as a substitute who will then be responsible and held accountable for the manager’s duties.

Non-Game Duties of Managers

Each manager has considerable duties outside of coordinating practices and managing the games. Accordingly, if I am a Manager, I will adhere to the following as well:
1. I will maintain open communication with players and parents to inform them of practices, games and other responsibilities in a timely and efficient manner.
2. I will attend all required coaches meetings, safety and umpiring clinics unless I am out of town or have a significant previously made commitment. If I cannot attend, I will ensure that one of my assistant coaches attends on my behalf.
3. I will complete, obtain and submit to the League all required paperwork, which will include Volunteer Applications.
4. I will make sure that I maintain a notebook containing the WLL Rules and a copy of the national Little League rule book and make sure it is present at each team practice and game.
5. I understand that I am the point of contact between my team and other teams and WLL officials. I understand that I am the person that is responsible for my team. I will take my obligations seriously and communicate effectively and in a courteous manner.

WLL has a “zero tolerance” policy for any aggressive or inappropriate physical contact with any player, coach, umpire, parent, fan or other person and any breach of this rule is grounds for immediate action, including removal from the position of Coach, Manager or Board Member.   

Board Member Code of Conduct

By volunteering to be on the board of Woodville Little League you are agreeing to use communication methods of Woodville Little League (the BAND App/Website) and agree to the Board Code of Conduct below:

All Woodville Little League Board Members must read, sign, and date this Code of Conduct. As a volunteer Board Member of WLL, you have an important role in the delivery of a successful baseball program to our community. The Executive Board of Directors would like to thank you for volunteering your time to make WLL a better organization. We hope that your reason(s) for joining the WLL Board include making decisions that are for the benefit of the league as a whole. Therefore, we ask that you agree to the following: 

1.     It’s for the kids. Youth sports are supposed to be fun. Life lessons are learned through youth sports.
2.     I will enforce the rules and by-laws of WLL, the Little League Rulebook and the WLL Constitution. 
3.     I will put the safety of our players, spectators, coaches, and umpires first. 
4.     As a representative of WLL, my conduct and behavior must remain professional and civil at all times. 
5.     I understand that like the children on our teams, the Board of Directors must operate as a team to be successful. 
6.     I will refrain from speaking negatively about Board members, coaches, parents, players, fans, or umpires on and off the league premises.
7.     If I am also a coach, I will not attempt to use my Board Member position to improperly influence the drafting process, to improperly influence the All-Star selection process, or otherwise use my position to gain an unfair advantage for my child or for my team. 
8.     It is understood that differences of opinions will always exist. When they occur, I will handle and resolve the differences in a civil manner that would be expected of an adult. 
9.     As a member of this Board, I understand that I am open to criticism from the public and I will handle any criticism in an appropriate and civil manner that would be expected from an adult. 
10. It is understood that all volunteer Board Members have responsibilities outside of WLL. However, we must require a minimum commitment level from each Board Member. All Board members must complete both of the following minimum requirements or be subject to the removal of WLL Board of Directors by a majority vote:

o   Complete or arrange coverage for all board duty shifts that you are assigned (Scheduled) to you  if you cannot complete an “On Duty” shift while coaching a game or fulfilling another responsibility for WLL.
o   Attend at least 75% of the Board meetings each year.

Please do not join if your reason(s) for joining the board are to: 
1.     Gain voting privileges only (and not help run the league through “On Duty” shifts, support for league activities such as Skills Assessments, Spring Fun Day, etc., and maintaining the premises).
2.     Use your Board position to improperly influence any league process so that it benefits only your team or only your child.

Player Code of Conduct

Woodville Little League has implemented the following Player Code of Conduct for the important message it holds about demonstrating and promoting good sportsmanship. Players should read and understand the code prior to participating in Woodville Little League.

By participating on a Woodville Little League Baseball or Softball team, you acknowledge and agree:

·      I will play by the rules of the game and adhere to the policies of the league, and treat other players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect at all times and will not make disparaging remarks or verbally or physically abuse another player, coach, or spectator at any time.

·      I will show respect to my fellow team members and coaches by playing hard, giving maximum effort and hustling regardless of ability or outcome.

·      I will respect the play call of Umpires (and/or Coaches) and will address any questions or concerns about a play call in a respectful manner at an appropriate time.

·      I will show respect to my fellow team members and opposing team members by being a humble winner and gracious loser, and will not taunt other players or teams during or after games, or ridicule any player for making a mistake.

·      I will respect at all times all property belonging to Woodville Little League, , and/or Leon County Parks & Rec, as well as the property and equipment of other players.

There is a Zero Tolerance Policy for players who violate the code of conduct and who intimidate, physically or verbally abuse coaches, other players, officials, or Little League participants. Any player guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice may be asked to leave the field or facility and may be suspended from the following practice and/or game. Repeat violations may result in a multiple suspension, or the forfeiture of the privilege of participating in all Little League events for the duration of the season. 

Contact Us

Woodville Little League

PO Box 310 
Woodville, Florida 32362

Email Us: [email protected]
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